Thursday, October 6, 2011

Officially Crawling

So two days after my last post, Sawyer officially started crawling on all fours. So I posted two little videos for family to see how's he's doing. He's all over the house now but his favorite place to just hang out is the hall for some reason. It's so interesting to see him do all these things in a normal time frame after Suzie has been significantly delayed in everything. Everything just seems so easy for him and I didn't realize how difficult everything was for Suzie with her being our first child.

Speaking of Suzie, she is a Cubbie in Awana now! She loves it and mostly just looks around in awe the whole time. Here are two little clips of our big girl in her Cubbie vest just soaking it all in:)


Karyn Hughes said...

Oh my, your kids are just about the cutest kids in the world! I love watching Sawyer crawl, just adorable, and Suzie is just too cute!!! Her hair looks adorable!

Lola said...

Yay!!! Love love love the videos!! So precious! I loved how Suzie was the one paying the best attention and following directions undistracted by the other kiddos. I love it!!!! =D She is so adorable! Go Suzie!!