Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Reformation Day!

On Monday we went to our dear friends' house to celebrate the reformation! This is much more exciting to us than Halloween, but we do have fun getting the kiddos dressed up. Suzie loved being a ballerina...however, Sawyer didn't really like being a monkey so much:) Last night we took them to the Boys Ranch again for our church Trunk or Treat event. Suzie had such a great time that she asked me several times today if we could go to the Boys Ranch.
Here's a sweet pic of my kids watching a video together and Suzie burping her baby after feeding her:)
Suzie after spending 30 minutes licking a Mickey Mouse cookie...
And here are some more Suzie quotes I want to remember when she's all grown up:

Mommy: "Suzie, do you have to go potty?"
Suzie: "No comprendo."

Suzie: "My arms are sad."
Mommy: "Why?"
Suzie: "Because my legs tripped and hurt them."

While dragging Sawyer's tunnel out of his room into the hallway: "I will get your tunnel for you, Sawyer. You will like it."

Suzie: "I will make dessert for you Mommy."
Mommy: "What kind of dessert?"
Suzie: "Lunch."

Suzie: "Welcome to Suzie's diner. What can I get for you Daddy?"
Daddy: "Can I have a hamburger?"
Suzie: "No, we don't have hamburgers. Only Whataburger."

Mommy: "Time to go night night."
Suzie: "Momma, can I just play in my room for a few more hours?"

"Sawyer's sleeping. Momma, can I just love him and kiss him?"

"The trailer is here! Mema and Poppi are coming on Tuesday for a party!"

"Momma, you are so sweet to me."

Suzie's prayer tonight: "Dear Father, thank you so much for this wonderful day. Please help Mema to feel better and help us to honor you. In Jesus name, amen."

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Officially Crawling

So two days after my last post, Sawyer officially started crawling on all fours. So I posted two little videos for family to see how's he's doing. He's all over the house now but his favorite place to just hang out is the hall for some reason. It's so interesting to see him do all these things in a normal time frame after Suzie has been significantly delayed in everything. Everything just seems so easy for him and I didn't realize how difficult everything was for Suzie with her being our first child.

Speaking of Suzie, she is a Cubbie in Awana now! She loves it and mostly just looks around in awe the whole time. Here are two little clips of our big girl in her Cubbie vest just soaking it all in:)