Suzie is wearing a combination of 3-6 and 6-9 month clothing and is still in a size 2 diaper. One of her new things is that she wants to roll over and explore things when we're changing her diaper. This can make changing a poopy diaper an even greater challenge!
I also wanted to give a brief update on her development. Here are some areas where Suzie is falling behind and we are working on catching her up in therapy:
-sitting up by herself (she can sit up for 10-15 seconds but she should be able to sit up and play by herself for long periods of time)
-weight bearing on her arms
-fine motor skills (grabbing, shaking, turning objects) with her right arm
-some fine motor skills on left side (using her thumb and index finger to grab)
-more consonant sounds (she does a lot of "b"s but not "g"s and "m"s etc.
Here are some things we are working on that she's not necessarily behind in for her adjusted age:
-relational play (getting her to brush a baby doll's hair and feed the baby doll a bottle)
-wave bye-bye (she loves to look at my hand when I wave and will occasionally move her hand as well, but not waving so much)
-crawling (sitting is the first step, but we're trying to get her into crawling position to help her learn to put more weight on her arms)
-taking rings off a ring stacker (she can do this but forgets and has to relearn every time:)
-pulling a cloth off of a hidden object
-give us an object when we tell her to
Here are some areas where she is right on track for:
-rolling from back to tummy back to her back (she is a rolling machine!)
-pivoting when on her tummy to face the direction of a toy (or mommy:)
-passing objects from one hand to the other
-pulling multiple objects out of a bowl
-banging two objects together
-bearing weight through her legs
-responding to sounds
-tracking objects and looking for a dropped object
-eating puffs and feeding them to herself (we introduced the puffs to her last week and today she started feeding herself for the first time! Here is a video of her feeding herself)